Gift Voucher

To redeem your Gift Voucher, please read the following terms and then click the Booking Button below so that we can lock in your session.

  • Gift Vouchers are redeemable for merchandise/services sold at Swish Factory and may not be redeemed for cash.

  • Purchase or use of the Gift Voucher constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.

  • The Gift Voucher credit will expire 12 months after purchase. After the Gift Card has expired, it is no longer valid. All transactions will be declined and any outstanding balance will be forfeited to Swish Factory.

  • Lost or stolen Gift Vouchers will not be replaced. Any unused balance upon expiry will not be refunded to the holder.

  • The bearer of the Gift Voucher may use the Gift Voucher to make purchases of goods or services from Swish Factory. The Gift Voucher may not be used for any other purpose. Purchase with a Gift Voucher is as if the purchase was made by way of cash payment.

  • Gift Vouchers are not legal tender, account cards, credit or debit cards or securities

  • The Gift Voucher should be held in a secure place, as any person holding the Gift Voucher may be able to use its value to make purchases.

  • Swish Factory reserves the right to cancel any Gift Voucher, or the Gift Voucher programme, for any reason at any time without notice. If this occurs the balance on all valid Gift Vouchers will be refunded to the holder on presentation of the voucher.

  • Swish Factory may vary these terms and conditions from time to time by posting revised terms and conditions on on our website.

  • Your Gift Voucher may not be copied or reproduced in any circumstances.